Players: Any even number
Equipment: music, pencils and pieces of paper,
Great for a large party as a ice breaker. Does not work well with family or when there are few strangers.
The players form two concentric circles, The women facing outwards and the men facing inwards. while the host players some music the circles move around in opposite circles. When the music stops, everyone has 2 minutes in which to find out as much as possible about the person opposite. If anyone is facing someone they already know, then the men move around to the next person on their left.
When the 2 minutes have passed the music starts and the circles move again. When everyone has appeared to met everyone else they are all asked to sit down.
Everyone is given a pencil and paper. They have two minutes in which to write brief biography of the individual who revealed most in the course of the game. The biographies are then read out and the most reckless chosen as the winner.
A cautious host may prefer to forgo the written biographies