Check out the best activities & games to play whatever your event. Remain totally stress free, and make sure everyone has fun including you. Take away the pressure, get organized, be amazing!

Ankle Race

  • Players: 2 or more
  • Equipment: none

You will need to be agile and energetic. The players line up at the starting line. Now get into the racing position, bending forward with a hand on each ankle. 

On the word ‘Go!’ they set...

Word Builder

Players: 2 or more

Equipment: Paper and pencil for each player

A starter word is chosen. Preferably a long once, such as pacemakers and given to the players.

Then they have ten minutes to make as many words as they can from the letters of the...


Players: 2 or more

Equipment: pen and paper for each player

Each player marks a grid on their paper 5 by 5 squares. For a longer game or when you have 5 or more players then a larger grid can be used.
Each player calls out a letter of their...

Light and Shade

Players: Any number

Equipment: A whit sheet and lamp or torch

A white sheet is hung across the room and a light shone onto it. Divide the players into two teams. Then each member takes it in turns to walk across the room behind the sheet. So that...


Players: any number

Equipment: feather dusters, some music

This game requires a warm room, for the players to dance around, scantily clad. Wen the music stops, they must freeze on the spot.

The host or hostess then wanders around, armed with...

Probing Partners

Players: Any even number

Equipment: music, pencils and pieces of paper,

Great for a large party as a ice breaker. Does not work well with family or when there are few strangers.

The players form two concentric circles, The women  facing...

Goodies and Baddies

Players: any even number

Equipment: a balloon

Split the players into two teams, the Goodies and the Baddies. The game should be played in a room with no breakable ornaments. 
Give the balloon to the Goodies and it is their job to keep it...

Apple Bobbing

Players: any number

Equipment: one or more tubs of water and as many apples as guests. Maybe some towels.

Place the tubs or the floor, preferable out doors with the apples. Stand them on waterproof sheets if you are worried about the...

Balloon Bashing

Players: any number

Equipment: a blindfold, balloon and a rolled-up newspaper

The players stand in a circle. One player is blindfolded at a time and stand in the middle with the rolled-up newspaper. The balloon is then placed anywhere inside the...

Squeak, Piggy, Squeak

Players: any number

Equipment: A blindfold and a cushion.

All the other players are sat in a circle.  One player is blindfolded and given the cushion and stands in the center of the seated guests. The blindfolded person is turned around 2 or 3...

The picture Frame Game

Players: any number

Equipment: a large empty picture frame.

The players form a circle. One play stand in the center with the picture frame around their face. The have to hold the picture frame and a completely impassive and motionless face for 2...

Acting Proverbs

Players: any number

Equipment: none

The players are divided into teams of 3 or 4 people. One team is sent out out of the room to think of a well-known proverb. The team then return and act out the proverb in 1 scene.

The team which guess the...

Kangaroo Racing

Players: any number

Equipment: One balloon per per player.

Player line up with the balloon between their knees. On the word Go! they all start hopping down the course like kangaroos. Being careful not to drop the balloon as they go. 


Bonnet Race

Players: any even number

Equipment: two outrageous bonnets

Dived players in to 2 teams lined up in rows. The leader of each team dons the outrageous bonnets and ties the bonnets ribbons underneath their chin. Or the word Go! the next person undoes...

Limbo Dancimg

Equipment: A long smooth stick, music

You and someone else hold the ends of the stick fairly high off the ground. Each player takes turns to dance limbo style,  bending backwards as they shuffle  under the stick. Once everyone has gone under the stick, lower it...

Throw the Tissue

Equipment: scrunched up tissue paper or kitchen roll

Simply ask the players to throw the ball of tissue paper the furthest

Sleepy Lions

Equipment: None

All the players have to lie down on the floor and pretend to be lions who are very tired and have fallen fast asleep. Tell the players the lions are not allowed to move at all. Keep your voice low and whisper the instructions. Ignore any movement for a...